The Content Center offers access to all previous analyses of the FERI Cognitive Finance Institute as well as to the regularly published visuals, but also to videos and events of the institute. The three main publication formats are studies, cognitive comments and cognitive briefings.
Since its founding in 2016, the FERI Institute has published a large number of studies, comments and briefings. These have produced a large number of accurate, usually very precise forecasts on important future trends - often clearly against the mainstream or at least significantly earlier than many others. This is clear evidence of quality - and an important proof of concept for the work of the FERI Institute.
In the video below (available in German), Dr. Heinz-Werner Rapp, founder and head of the FERI Institute, explains our special analytical approach and gives concise examples of successful trend forecasts from the Institute's work. By the way, both the questions and the interviewer's voice are AI-generated.
Founding Team
Project Manager
+49 (0) 6172 916-3631
FERI Cognitive Finance Institute
Academic Assistant
Project Manager
+49 (0) 6172 916-3097
FERI Cognitive Finance Institute
FERI Cognitive Finance Institute
FERI Cognitive Finance Institute